Words Starting with

Unremitting (un ri MIT ing) - unceasing; unabated; relentless Example: Superman waged an unremitting battle against evildoers everywhere.

Urbane (ur BAYN) - poised; sophisticated; refined Example: The British count was witty and urbane; all the hosts and hostesses wanted to have him at their parties.

Usurp (yoo SURP) - to seize wrongfully Example: The founder's scheming young nephew usurped a position of power in the company.

Utopia (yoo TOH pee uh) - an ideal society Example: The little town wasn't just a nice place, as far as Ed was concerned ; it was utopia.

Ubiquitous (yoo BIK wuh tus) - being everywhere at the same time Example: The new beer commercial was ubiquitous - it seemed to be on every television channel at once.

Uniform (YOO nuh form) - consistent; unchanging; the same for everyone Example: Traffic laws are similar from one state to the next, but they aren't uniform; each state has it's own variations.

Unctuous (UNGK choo us) - oily, both literally and figuratively; insincere Example: Salad oil is literally unctuous. A used-car salesman might be figuratively unctuous-that is , oily in the sense of being slick, sleazy, and insincere.

Unctuous (UNGK choo us) Definition: oily, both literally and figuratively; insincere Sentence: Salad oil is literally unctuous. A used-car salesman might be figuratively unctuous-that is , oily in the sense of being slick, sleazy, and insincere.

Unremitting (un ri MIT ing) Definition: unceasing; unabated; relentless Sentence: Superman waged an unremitting battle against evildoers everywhere.

Usurp (yoo SURP) Definition: to seize wrongfully Sentence: The founder's scheming young nephew usurped a position of power in the company.

Ubiquitous (yoo BIK wuh tus) Definition: being everywhere at the same time Sentence: The new beer commercial was ubiquitous - it seemed to be on every television channel at once.

Unwitting (un WIT ing) Definition: unintentional; ignorant; not aware Sentence: When Leo agreed to hold open the door of the bank, he became an unwitting accomplice to the bank robbery.

Utilitarian (yoo til uh TAR ee un) Definition: stressing usefulness or utility above all other qualities; pragmatic Sentence: Jason's interior-decorating philosophy was strictly utilitarian; if an object wasn't genuinely useful, he didn't want it in his home.

Unconscionable (un KAHN shuh nuh bul) - not controlled by conscience; unscrupulous Example: Leaving a small child unattended all day long is an unconscionable act.