Words Starting with

Querulous (KWER uh lus) Definition: complaining; grumbling; whining Sentence: The exasperated mother finally managed to hush her querulous child.

Quixotic (kwik SAHT ik) Definition: romantic or idealistic to a foolish or impractical degree Sentence: For many years Mr. Morris had led a quixotic effort to repeal the federal income tax.

Qualitative (KWAHL uh tay tiv) Definition: having to do with the quality or qualities of something (as opposed to the quantity) Sentence: If a school achieves a qualitative improvement in attendance, it means the school is being attended by better students.

Qualify (KWAHL uh fye) - to modify or restrict Example: Susan qualified her praise of Judith by saying that her kind words applied only to Judith's skillful cooking and not to her abhorrent personality.

Querulous (KWER uh lus) - complaining; grumbling; whining Example: The exasperated mother finally managed to hush her querulous child.