Words Starting with

Mellifluous (muh LIF loo us ) Definition: sweetly flowing Sentence: The choir's mellifluous singing make us feel as though we were being covered with a sticky yellow liquid.

Machination (mak uh NAY shun) Definition: scheming activity for an evil purpose Sentence: The ruthless machinations of the mobsters left a trail of blood and bodies

Maxim (MAK sim) - a fundamental principle; an old saying Example: We always tried to live our lives according to the maxim that it is better to give than to receive.

Myriad (MIR ee ud ) Definition: a huge number Sentence: A country sky on a clear night is filled with a myriad of stars.

Malinger (muh LING ger) Definition: to pretend to be sick to avoid doing work Sentence: Indolent Leon always Malingered when it was his turn to clean up the house.

Manifesto (man uh FES toh) Definition: a public declaration of beliefs or principles, usually political ones Sentence: Jim's article about the election was less a piece of reporting than a manifesto of his political views.

Machination (mak uh NAY shun) - scheming activity for an evil purpose Example: The ruthless machinations of the mobsters left a trail of blood and bodies

Machination (mak uh NAY shun) - scheming activity for an evil purpose Example: The ruthless machinations of the mobsters left a trail of blood and bodies

Myriad (MIR ee ud ) - a huge number Example: A country sky on a clear night is filled with a myriad of stars.