Words Starting with

Harbinger (HAR bin jur) - Definition: a forerunner; a signal of Sentence: Warm weather is the harbinger of spring.

Hedonism (HEED uh niz um) Definition: the pursuit of pleasure as a way of life Sentence: A hedonist practices hedonism 24 hours a day.

Hegemony (hi JEM uh nee) Definition: leadership, especially of one nation over another Sentence: America once held an unchallenged nuclear hegemony.

Hackneyed (HAK need) Definition: overused; trite; stale Sentence: As cold as ice is a hackneyed expression.

Heresy (HER us see) Definition: any belief that is strongly opposed to established beliefs Sentence: Galileo was tried for the heresy of suggesting that the sun did not revolve around the earth.

Heyday (HAY day) Definition: golden age; prime Sentence: In his heyday, Vernon was a world-class athlete; today he's just Vernon.

Hapless (HAP lis) - unlucky Sentence: Joe's hapless search for fun led him from one disappointment to another.

Homily (HAHM uh lee) - a sermon Example: The football coach often began to practice with a lengthy homily on the virtues of clean living.

Hedonism (HEED uh niz um) - the pursuit of pleasure as a way of life Example: A hedonist practices hedonism 24 hours a day.

Hegemony (hi JEM uh nee) - leadership, especially of one nation over another Example: America once held an unchallenged nuclear hegemony.